How Brush Helps Us Clean Our Surrounding?

A brush has a real importance in our life. From brushing to washing clothes, from cleaning your bookshelf to cleaning your video games and from painting to dressing up. Every person has used brushes to clean themselves and their necessities. But people always forget the people cleaning their surroundings, but dogs do not. They even before sitting at a place clean it with its tail. That’s why it is correctly said that cleanliness is next to godliness. Cleanliness adds charm to life. Even the greatest lover of children is more likely to pick up a comparatively clean child to hug it with love and affection. Although the love of a mother does not see the form and shape of her child and loves it with true affection. But how does a brush helps us clean our surroundings?

A brush can be used to paint which to your surprise a true artist will surely know how to do it. Today even an amateur painter can spread a beautiful message through his/her painting. After India’s Clean India Mission, many people joined the arena of beautifying the city with their brush in the walls. The paints in the walls which is seen by thousands of people who pass through the place teach them about the clean habits which will ensure that the people learn and implement that in their life and keep their surroundings clean.


People should keep themselves clean and bright to maintain their healthy lifestyle and healthy living. Cleanliness is a way to godliness and godliness is a way to balance mind, soul, and body. Being clean means to keep ourselves physically and mentally clean. Keeping our body clean, tidy and well dressed makes us smart enough to get confidence and positive thoughts. Clean habits with nice dress sense create a good impression on others and a good reputation in the society because cleanliness reflects a clean character of the person.


Being clean strengthens our immunity system and secures us from many chronic and acute diseases. However, clean people may catch diseases from dirty people but they are strong enough to tackle small problems. They can manage things in their surroundings related to the cleanliness including instructing poor and dirty people about cleanliness.

But the task of cleanliness doesn’t only belong to the street sweepers carrying a brush in their mentality to justify the definition of a brush. It is the duty of us too. Everybody has a god-gifted brush hidden somewhere in their mind. It is one’s duty to come up with it using it wisely.

So, a brush is everything. It is a paintbrush, wisdom of a human, knowledge of a human and everything. It’s just a step to take to use the brush to clean the surroundings, but collectively.

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